Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Embarrassing drug discoveries in Cancun

As the international anti-drug conference continues to meet in Cancun, Quintana Roo, the Mexican authorities continue to unearth stashes of illicit drugs.
Among the latest finds are those discovered on Tuesday morning in separate police actions, Por Esto! and Novedades de Quintana Roo report. The first was the stash found in a taxi in a Supermanzana (Novedades says 54, Por Esto! says 57) district of Cancun in the wee hours of the morning. A security guard in the district spotted the operator of the cab driving suspiciously -- and noticed a firearm inside. He alerted the police.
The authorities -- who eventually came to include elements of the army and Public Security forces -- arrested 19-year-old Ivan Sosa Tuc (AKA Ivan Dzib Pech), who was found with a Colt .45, 60 packets of cocaine, four packets of crack and between four to eight thousand pesos. Novedades reports that a drug deal was under way in a nearby building and that the other deal-makers escaped. Sosa Tuc was placed in the custody of the office of the Secretary General of the Republic.
About five hours later, Por Esto! reports, a security guard (it is unclear if this was the same one who reported the taxi) alerted the authorities that three abandoned suitcases had been found at a nearby building. He had seen them outside, knocked on the door, and received no answer. (Novdades reports that it was neighbors called the authorities, reporting that someone had abandoned a backpack.)
Police found one backpack-type suitcase and two women's bags. In the backpack they discovered plastic containers apparently containing chemical substances, including wrapped packages of crack, but in the other two suitcases they only found women's clothing. They alerted the military.
Inside the house were alleged quantities of cocaine, crack and rock, in packets, in brick form, and in plastic bottles.
Neighbors said that three women and one man lived in the house and had left several days ago (it sounds like the man may have been Sosa Tuc). It was suspected that the house was used as a drug preparation center, but this was not confirmed.

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