Alonso Lujambio Irazabal -- the secretary of public education and a potential future president -- has praised the antidrug policies of current president Felipe Calderon Hinojosa.
Appearing at a Mother's Day ceremony at the Tlatoquemecatl primary school, Lujambio expressed two ideas that sounded somewhat dissimilar: The president's policies are carried out well ... but reforms are needed.
Specifically, Lujambio suggested consolidating the 32 state police forces (although he added that Calderon supports this policy). He also said that he would not enter the debate about whether or not public safety secretary Genaro Garcia Luna should relinquish his post.
Los Zetas' "Monster" truck
Army personnel have a new prize: a "Monstruo" (Monster) truck used by the Los Zetas drug cartel, taken in a raid in Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas.
The gray truck, spray-painted with phrases like "Mas Mierda" (More Fear), can go up to 110 kilometers per hour and features two turrets from which assassins can open fire with a variety of arms.
You can see a photo of "El Monstruo" here.